Import 1000’s of Azure Resources to Terraform in a few clicks

Our Terraform Import Engine now supports Microsoft Azure. Automatically detect unmanaged Azure resources and generate 100% validated Terraform Code.
Shift to Terraform 75% faster and save thousands of DevOps hours.
Gain Comprehensive Overview of your Stack Dependencies

Visualize all your Terraform Stack Dependencies in a simplified interconnection graph that represents the trigger relationship between them.
Introducing AWS Organization Support: Connect all of your AWS accounts in a few Clicks

Connect and integrate hundreds of AWS Accounts to the ControlMonkey Platform using CloudFormation StackSets.
Explore your Terraform Git Repositories

ControlMonkey users now gain a 30,000-foot view of their entire infrastructure and understand exactly which parts of their environment are not yet managed by ControlMonkey.
1-Click Import of AWS Identity Center to Terraform

ControlMonkey now supports the import of Identity Center to Terraform/OpenTofu. Manage and govern your Identity Center resources with Terraform Code by with 1 click automatic code generation.
Restrict specific Terraform Modules versions with Control Policies

Manage and govern exactly which Terraform Modules Versions and Sources can be used in your Terraform Codebase.
Discover your IaC coverage on Azure

Get a birds-eye view of your IaC coverage on Azure cloud environments.
Gain IaC coverage insights and visibility across clouds, subscriptions and regions with ControlMonkey.
Remote Plan from Local Machine

Enable your engineers to test their Terraform Code changes locally before committing the code to your Git repo.
Approval Policy – Teams Approval

Get other teams’ approvals on any Stack change before executing every ‘Terraform Apply with “Teams Approval Policies”.