

Live Product Showdown

Curious in learning more about ControlMonkey? 

Join our bi-weekly product showdown to see a live demo of the ControlMonkey platform and understand its features and capabilities. 


1. Intro – 5 min

2. Live Demo – 20 min

3. Q & A – 5 min

What can you expect to learn:

1. How to increase Terraform coverage with automatic code generation.

2. How to enforce cost, security, tags and more as part of your Terraform CI/CD

3. How to detect who made ClickOps changes to your cloud environment.

Save your spot!

Compliant AWS environments in minutes, with Self-service Infrastructure
Learn how to enable other teams such as Dev and QA to launch pre-defined compliant AWS environments in minutes, by using Terraform.

Contact us

We look forward to hearing from you

AWS Governance & DevOps Productivity with Terraform

Learn how how to shift-left cloud governance with Terraform in this webinar brought to you by AWS and ControlMonkey.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Terraform Best Practices with ControlMonkey Webinar

Check out our latest webinar with DoIT International.

In this webinar we showcase together with DoIT how ControlMonkey is helping DevOps teams to make the transition from ClickOps to GitOps easily with Terraform.

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